cdmHUB - The Composites HUB FORGE

Tool Development

Welcome to cdmHUB - The Composites HUB FORGE, the tool development area of cdmHUB - The Composites HUB. The following pages are maintained by the various owners of each tool. Many of these tools are available as Open Source, and you can download the code via Subversion from this site. Some tools are closed source at the request of the authors, and only a restricted development team has access to the code. See each tool page for details.

Available Tools

Title Alias Status
Additive 3D a3dapp closed source
ABAQUS 2019 abaqus2019 open source
Anisotropic Viscosity anisovisc closed source
2 D Autoclave Simulation auto2d closed source
1D Autoclave Simulation autosim1d open source
2D Autoclave Simulation autosim2d closed source
BEam Cross section Analysis Software becas closed source
CATIA Composites Braiding braiding open source
Brian's test 1 briantest1 closed source
Classical Laminate Plate Theory clpt open source
Plane-Stress Compliance Transform compliancetrans open source
Compliance Transform comptrans open source
csdesign for VABS and SwiftComp csdesign closed source
Dakota (Command Line) dakota open source
Dakota GUI dakotagui open source
DiBenedetto Equation: Tg and DOC dibenedetto open source
Degree of Cure- Autocatalytic doc open source
Degree of Cure- Autocatalytic Cure Equation docautodata open source
Autocatalytic Degree of Cure doccalc open source
Autocatalytic Degree of Cure -- Time and... doccalc2 open source
e44 e44 open source
e45 e45 open source
Experimental Data Processing edp closed source
Fiber Bed Compaction fibercompact open source
Fiber/Matrix RVE Generator fibermatrixgen closed source
Free Edge Elasticity Solution freeedge closed source
Finite Volume Direct Averaging Method fvdam closed source
Fiber Volume Fraction from Weight Fraction fvf open source
Geometrically Exact Beam Theory gebt open source
G_to_K Orthotropic conversion gtok open source
Honeycomb Sandwich Structure test honeycombtest open source
hubcheck parameter passing tool hppt open source
Jupyter Notebook (hub version 6.0) jupyter60 closed source
Jupyter Notebook (202209) jupyter70 closed source
K_to_G Orthotropic conversion ktog open source
LAM3D lam3d closed source
Off-Axis Lamina Moduli and Strength laminaanalysis closed source
Equivalent Single Layer Properties laminate open source
LAMMPS lammps closed source
LISA - Finite Element Analysis lisafea closed source
MAC/GMC 4.0 mac closed source
Manifold Flow Predictor manflopre closed source
Effective Lamina and Laminate Properties mmlpt closed source
Halpin-Tsai Micromechanics Model mmtool closed source
Mori-Tanaka Stiffness Homogenization for Short... moritanaka open source
WHIN Ni Sensor Technical Cost Modeling nitcm closed source
OpenMSG openmsg closed source
Orthotropic Stress Concentration Factor orthoscf open source
Polymer Matrix Composite Random Unit Cell... pmcruc open source
PreVABS 2018 prevabs2018 open source
Laminate Failure Analysis (Progressive and... progfail open source
Puck Failure Criteria puck open source
The Properties of Quasi-Isotropic Laminates qiproperties open source
Resin Content Calc Tool rccalc open source
RStudio rstudio open source
SwiftComp Executable scexe closed source
SwiftComp scstandard open source
Viscoelastic Shear Lag shearlag open source
newshorttool shortname123458 closed source
Fiber Spacing and Volume Fraction spacingvf open source
Stress relaxation of viscoelastic composites srv closed source
Reduced Stiffness Transform stifftrans open source
SwiftComp: A General Purpose Code for... swiftcomptool closed source
TexGen4SC texgen4sc open source
TexGen Different Woven Cross-Section Generator texgendc open source
A User Material Subroutine for Implementing... uanisohyper open source
VABS vabs closed source
VABS Executable vabsexe closed source
Linux Workstation workspace closed source